Greeting Cards for Guru Purnima 2024

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  1. You have been my living inspiration Giving me lessons of truth and discipline wishing you joy and happiness on Guru Purnima
  2. Guru always helps one to get the knowledge & stands beside the students, when they have problems. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!
  3. A guru is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.
  4. The best Guru teach from the heart, not from the books.
  5. It is an incomparable journey where the Guru leads you from the visible to the invisible, from the material to the divine, from the ephemeral to the eternal.
  6. To the world you may be just a Guru, but to your shishya you are everything.
  7. When it comes to teaching .. you are the BEST. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!!
  8. Guru is everything in our eternal life, Nothing is possible without him. Happy Guru Purnima!
  9. Life needs some power to push you up, Guru is that super power. Happy Guru Purnima 2024!
  10. As you walk with the Guru, you walk in the light of Existence, away from the darkness of ignorance. You leave behind all the problems of your life and move towards the peak experiences of life. Happy Guru Purnima 2024 wishes.