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  1. Let the spirit of Ramadan remain in your hearts and light up your souls from within. Ramadan Mubarak.
  2. Sending heartily wishes on this holy month that May God blesses you with pleasure and fill your home with His gracefulness. Ramadan Mubarak.
  3. I wish you a very happy Ramadan. May Almighty ease all your sufferings and open a new door to success!
  4. In this holy month of Ramadan, may Allah make it easy for you to keep fasts and grace you with the strength to do all the prayers! Ramadan Kareem.
  5. Let this graceful month enlighten all our darkness, wash away our sorrows, and ease our pains. May our prayers get accepted from the Almighty! Ramzanul Mubarak.
  6. I cannot wait to pray my Salah and do my fasting in this Ramadan with my best pal. Ramadan Mubarak and best wishes for you.
  7. Ramadan Mubarak from my home to yours. Refrain from sinful activities, and remember Allah is watching you. Have a blessed month. Ramadan Mubarak!
  8. Best wishes for a happy Ramadan. Please observe Ramadan and celebrate it with the truest intentions. See you on Eid.
  9. Welcome the month of forgiveness wholeheartedly. May your heart gets filled with joy, happiness, and love for Allah. Missing you.
  10. Ramadan Mubarak. Celebrate this holy month safely. I will say your name on my every prayer. Take care and come back soon.
  11. You’re not only my best friend but also one of the purest souls on the earth. I hope this Ramadan brings all the best blessings for you. Ramadan Mubarak!