Yom Kippur Greetings, Messages, Wishes Images & Quotes

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  1. Wishing you all the happiness and serenity in the world this Yom Kippur.
  2. I wish everyone have a happy and blessed Yom Kippur!
  3. Forgive yourself and anybody and everybody who has let you down on this very special day of Yom Kippur. Sending my best wishes!
  4. We know our prayers and beliefs will lead to the atonement and penance that is the purpose of Yom Kippur.
  5. We go through life searching for meaning. On this Yom Kippur, may you find meaning, forgiveness, and inclusion in the Book of Life.
  6. Boss and my colleagues, I pray that Yom Kippur ushers in good fortune and pleasure in all of your lives.
  7. Let the light shine bright and your heart gets its best atonement on this holy day. G’mar chatima tovah.
  8. Hope your day of atonement be full of mercy, bliss, and blessings. Blessed Yom Kippur. Have a great day!
  9. May the meaningful apology of your heart bring a meaningful future for you and your family. Happy Yom Kippur.
  10. Hope you get through this day easily and you’re fasting bring good results. Happy Yom Kippur.
  11. “When Jews appear for Divine judgment, the angels say to them: “Don’t be afraid, the Judge… is your Father.” – Midrash Tehillim
  12. “The entire world is God’s message of love to us. Yom Kippur is the time when we are most open to receiving this message.” – Rabbi Noah Weinberg
  13. “Yom Kippur is the supreme day of forgiveness.” – Jonathan Sacks
  14. “God has given us a choice between life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life!” – Rabbi Debra Orenstein
  15. Yom Kippur is Gods way of allowing us to “recalculate” the course of our lives.” – Shimon Apisdorf
  16. “Remember an alternate name for Yom Kippur is Yom Ha-Din…the Day of Judgment. This night is meant to be a time for severity.” – Kol Nidre
  17. “Yom Kippur is the idea that we get a second chance before God forgives us for the mistakes that we’ve made. And we all get a second chance in life.” – Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld
  18. “When Jews appear for Divine judgment, the angels say to them: “Don’t be afraid, the Judge… is your Father.” – Midrash Tehillim
  19. “The entire world is God’s message of love to us. Yom Kippur is the time when we are most open to receiving this message.” – Rabbi Noah Weinberg
  20. Yom Kippur is a day of reconciliation when Jews strive to make amends with people and to draw closer to God through prayer and fasting.” – Ariela Pelaia