- Jamaica is a proud country because our independence isn’t a result of long battles and war, rather we are one of those countries that got is with peace.
- With compassion and friendship, there is a greater unity in the country and the walk towards successful independence is hence easier. Happy Jamaica Independence Day.
- Jamaica is a power in the making and the youth of the country will enable it to reach out to the place it always deserves to be in. Happy Jamaica Independence Day.
- With freedom comes the responsibility to grow and be a shining star in the constellation. We Jamaicas, make sure that we shine throughout the world on each and every. Happy Jamaica
Independence Day. - Out from the bounds of those who showed their power. Jamaica is a land of free thought and will. Have a great Independence Day, to all the Jamaicas.
- Being a citizen of a freedom country comes with a lot of added responsibility to behave according to the liberty. Use the power wisely and enjoy the positivity. Happy Jamaica Independence
Day. - Though the country has achieved independence, it is time for achieving the much needed economic independence and shining amidst all the stable economies o the world. Happy Jamaica
Independence Day. - We are proud to be Jamaica and there is every reason to rejoice being in a country so beautiful and amazing! Happy Jamaica Independence Day. We love Jamaica!
- Independence Day is both: an occasion to celebrate. And to remember the struggles for earning it. Happy Jamaica Independence Day.
- Salute and wave the national flag! Up above and high. Rejoice and share our national pride. Happy Jamaica Independence Day.