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  1. Let us make this day our inspiration to stand high and mighty. Be proud to be a Iran. Happy Iran Independence Day.
  2. Freedom is one of the most expensive commodities. No amount of money will be enough to buy freedom. Happy Iran Independence Day.
  3. It is the result of sacrifices and struggles of many brave. Let us reverence them today. Happy Iran Independence Day.
  4. The Iran flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with pride and prosperity.
  5. Freedom in the mind, faith in the words, pride in our soils. Let’s salute the nation on this day Independence Day!
  6. Nothing is more precious than Independence and Liberty. Happy Independence Day!
  7. Thousands laid down their lives so that our country can celebrate this day, never forgetting their sacrifices. Happy Iran Independence Day!
  8. So many people might have forgotten the sacrifices, but we never will, the colorful flag of our country furls so high. Happy Iran Independence Day!
  9. This Independence Day let’s take a pledge to protect the peace and unity of our great nation. Happy Independence Day Iran!
  10. Let’s not take our Independence for granted a do every bit for the nation to protect the legacy of do and die.