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  1. Since I made friends with you, I have come to realize that life is more enjoyable with a living cartoon around you. However, let’s make this friendship day great!
  2. It’s friendship day today and you are still alive to celebrate this day with me. How lucky you are! I really hope I won’t kill you before the next friendship day! Sending you to love anyway!
  3. It’s another friendship day for both of us to go back in the memory lane and find out what mischiefs are missing there. So, we can add them in this coming year! Happy friendship day!
  4. Friendship is something that cannot be seen but felt. Thank god! because it would be so hard to see a stupid face and then make a friendship. Bytheway, happy friendship day!
  5. Make friendship with dumb people and feel superior all the time. That’s what I did when I first met you. Happy friendship day!
  6. I envy you because you got to meet such a wonderful person like me. Truly, God has blessed you a lot in life. anyway, happy friendship day!
  7. FRIENDSHIP isn’t how U forGet but how U forGive,
    Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand,
    Not what U see but how U feel,
    and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!
  8. FRIEND means–
    F=Free from all formalities
    R=Right to say any thing
    I=In anyway
    E=Either good or bad
    N=No sorry no thanx
    D=Daatnaa peetnaa allowed 24 hours
  9. A friend is SWEET when it’s NEW,
    It’s SWEETER when it’s TRUE,
    It’s SWEETEST when it’s YOU.
    !!Happy Friendship Day!!
  10. Friendship is not a game to play,
    It is not a word to say,
    It doesn’t start on March and ends on May,
    It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and every day…
    Happy Friendship Day…