- May you receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas, someone to share your life with, Merry Christmas!
- Wishing you all the best that life can bring, Merry Christmas to you and a year full of blessings.
- If I could tell Santa what to give you, It would be happiness and peace Not just this Christmas, but for the entire year May this Christmas be more than just a season, but a way of life. Merry Christmas!
- Wish you all the best this holiday season and throughout the year, Merry Christmas!
- There are many gifts under the Christmas tree, but the best one is you!
- Let us forget the past and start anew, wishing to see you this Christmas!
- May success be with you and everything you do, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year too!
- I wish this holiday season you would receive Love, peace and joy for the whole year, Merry Christmas!
- May God bless you with a festive, loving and peaceful celebration this Christmas and all throughout the year.