Online Happy Propose Day With Pic

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  1. The best decision of my life was to say YES to you. I don’t want a life without you because all my sweet dreams revolve around you!

  2. Being with you is like being in a romantic movie; every moment is so full of love; everything is so full of colors and every ride is so enjoyable. Happy propose day!

  3. Growing old together can be the best part of our lives. Let’s make it happen. Hold my hand and I will take you to the land of undying love!

  4. You make me feel like the happiest girl in the world. Your love is everything I live for. Happy propose day to my sweet boyfriend!

  5. I let you stole my heart so that I could arrest you and put you in my custody forever. Happy propose day to my handsome boyfriend!

  6. Let me confess, the way you asked for hand on this day was half the reason I accepted your love. Happy propose day my dear!

  7. I look back into my life and I can see asking for your hand was the best decision I ever made. Wishing you a happy propose day!

  8. Take my endless love on this special day and know that you are the reason why I breathe and I live! Happy propose day!

  9. Today let us make a promise that no matter what happens is our life, we will face it together. Be my sword and I’ll be your shield. Happy propose day!
  10. I’m immune to every pain in this world as long as you’re in my life. Thanks for accepting my love. Happy propose day!