- I would prefer to have a place with a poor country that was free than to a rich country that had ceased to be enamored with freedom. Happy President’s Day 2024
- Consider each issue, each test, we face. The solution to every start with training. Happy President’s Day
- The consequences arising from the constant aggregation of open debts in different countries should admonish us to be mindful so as to anticipate their development in our own. Happy Presidents Day 2024
- When one side of the story is heard and frequently rehashed, the human personality becomes impressed with it insensibly. Happy President’s Day
- He serves his gathering best who serves the nation best. Happy Presidents Day 2024!
- In the event that national pride is ever justifiable or excusable it is the point at which it springs, not from influence or riches, greatness or magnificence, yet from conviction of national blamelessness, data, and generosity. Happy President’s Day
- Humankind must put a conclusion to war — or war will put a conclusion to humanity. Happy Presidents Day 2024!
- Harmony is the best time for development and readiness of each sort; it is in harmony that our business flourishes most, that taxes are most easily paid, and that the income is most beneficial. Happy President’s Day
- We must show our kids to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons. Happy President’s Day 2024!