Freedom never came easy; our heroes waged a valiant struggle so that future generations could their lives with dignity. A thousand salutes to this great nation of ours.
- As the youth of India, we should take the pledge that till our last breath we will fight terrorism, gender discrimination and everything that holds any nation down. Happy Republic Day, everyone.
- India is a country of diversity bonded by love and affection. On the auspicious occasion of Republic Day, let us come together to celebrate this day with respect and love for each other.
- Feel the freedom in the air, smell the finest smell of it through your soul and protect it with your everything. A very happy republic day to you all.
- Take pride that you live in a country that has such a diverse glorious history and rich heritage. Happy Indian Republic Day!
- Happy Republic Day dear fellow Indians. The country is our pride. May it live a hundred and thousands year long. Let’s vow to respect and care for each other once again.
- Let us join hands to protect our nations from all the social evils that are plaguing it. Happy Republic Day!
- May the spirit of republic day stay with us forever. May we keep this with us even in our professional life. Happy Republic Day.
- Freedom has not come easy, it is because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters, so never take it for granted. Happy Republic Day!
- May you have joy to make you sweet, strife to make you strong, sadness to keep you human and hope to bring joy to our nation. Happy Republic Day!
- thousand salutes to this great nation of ours. May it become even more prosperous and great. Happy Republic Day!