- Nowruz Mubarak to everybody out there. Have a safe one this year.
- Hope this new year brings lots of success and smiles in your life. Happy Navroz 2023 to you and your family.
- The wind is whispering that the coming year will be a safer and happier one. Happy Nowruz, everyone.
- May joy and love pave your way on this auspicious day. Have a beautiful Nowruz day.
- Remove the tree of hate from your life on this Nowruz and spread the pure form of love. Happy Nowruz 2023.
- Nowruz Mubarak to everyone celebrating. With a wide smile on your face, have a safe one this year.
- May you have the most fun and blessed Nowruz with your dear ones in a safe environment this year. Happy Nowruz to you all.
- Nowruz comes in all beautiful colors, and we hope we can use each of them to paint our life. Wishing everyone a colorful Nowruz.
- Nowruz Mubarak 2023 to my dearest friend. This new year will be yours to shine.
- The coming Persian year will be full of success for you, mark my word. Happy Persian New year to you and your family, dear friend.
It’s celebrated in United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, Russia, Malaysia, United States, Denmark, Kuwait, Norway, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland and many others countries.