Happy UAE Commemoration Day Wishes, Messages, Quotes & Greetings

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  1. Freedom is something you have to fight for. We’ve tried so hard to earn it, so let’s celebrate the fact that we still have our freedom. Never let go of it and always carry it in your heart. Happy UAE Commemoration Day!
  2. Almighty granted us the freedom not just because we wanted it, but because we fought for it and shed our blood for it. Decide what you stand for, and stand up for it. Happy UAE Commemoration Day!
  3. The sacrifice that our forefathers made to win the right for us to live in a free country is beyond imagination. A big salute to all our national heroes. Happy UAE Commemoration Day!
  4. Freedom does not come without a price, nor did ours. Never forget the bloodshed and brutality that this great nation has endured in the past. Happy UAE Commemoration Day!
  5. Every citizen of an independent country should walk and live freely as they wish. Let that be the motto of this National Day – Happy UAE Commemoration Day.
  6. We remember all the men and women who fought for this country and earned freedom. Happy UAE National Day!
  7. Sending best wishes for UAE Commemoration Day. Without this day, I wouldn’t be able to write this wish freely; you wouldn’t be able to read it freely.
  8. I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
  9. I would rather be remembered by a song than by a victory.
  10. Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.
  11. Who sows virtue reaps honor.
  12. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.