- May the glimmer of diyas and the echo of the chants fill your life with happiness and contentment.
- Warm greetings on the auspicious occasion of the birth of Lord Rama – the 7th incarnation of the Dashavataras of Vishnu! Happy Ram Navami!
- This Ram Navami, wishing you and your family a life full of happiness, success, and glory.
- On this auspicious day, may lord Ram give you all the happiness, good health, and fulfill your endeavours in life.
- May this auspicious occasion of Ram Navami bring lot of positivity, peace and harmony in your life. Happy Ram Navami.
- On this holy occasion of Rama Navami, I am wishing that blessings of Shri Rama be with you. Your heart and home be filled with happiness, peace and prosperity. Happy Ram Navami.
- May you be blessed on the birth of Lord Rama to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya of Ayodhya! A very blessed Ram Navami to you n ur family.
- Navami Tithi Madhumaas Punita; Shukla Paksh Abhijit Nav Preeta; Madhya Divas Ati Sheet Na Ghama; Pavan Kaal Lok Vishrama! Happy Ram Navami.
- May this day brings happiness to you and fill your life with joy and prosperity. Warm wishes on Happy Ram Navami.
- Rama for you should mean the path he trod, the ideal he left aloft, And the ordinance he lay down, They are eternal and timeless.