70+ Greeting Cards for Vagh Baras

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  1. Hope all the darkness of your life gets castaway on this Vagh Baras. Have a safe and mighty Vagh Baras!
  2. In this festival of joy and celebration, I wish you good health, wealth, and progress in life.
  3. Happy Vagh Baras! May the supreme light of the Deepavali lighten up your heart and make things better.
  4. Wishing all my relatives a great Vagh Baras! Let’s welcome Lord Vishnu together as a family. We are so eagerly waiting for your visit to our house!
  5. May the goddess Durga lights up your way to success. May your house become the box of happiness for all. Wishing all my neighbors all the joy in this wonderful festival.
  6. Happy Vagh Baras! Let us manifest prosperity, happiness, and union for both of us in the coming year!
  7. May Shri Vallabha fulfill all your wishes. Wishing you a blissful Vagh Baras.
  8. In this festival of lights, I pray all your blessings and happiness get multiplied by God. Have a safe and sound Vagh Baras. Happy Vagh Baras.
  9. May the light of Vagh Baras enters your life and brings you prosperity and joy. Happy Vagh Baras.
  10. In this festival of light, I wish all the brightness and happiness for you. May Goddess bless you with every happy bit of the world. Happy Vagh Baras.
  11. May this vagh baras brings lots of good luck & success – Happy Wagh Baras!
  12. May the divinity of Vagh Baras shower all the happiness and inner strength – Happy Wagh Baras!