Greeting Cards for Parenting Day

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  1. Let’s take a moment to be grateful to our parents. They are the reasons why we breathe. Happy parents day!
  2. Ask the leaders of today’s world and they’ll show you who’s behind the curtain. Thanks to all the parents for their ever unsung contributions. Happy parents day!
  3. A day in a year is not enough to be thankful for the sacrifices our parents make 365 days in a year. Happy parents day!
  4. Our first introduction with true and unconditional love is with our parents. Today is a day for being grateful for all the happiness they provided us with.
  5. Be the inspiration for your child. Be someone your child can learn from in all situations. Happy parents day!
  6. Happy parents day to all the parents in the world. You are the reasons why our childhood was so awesome! Respect from the deep of heart!
  7. You two are my idols in life. All I want to be in life is someone who is kind as my mom and wise as my father. Wishing you a happy parents day!
  8. You two have protected me like a treasure and raised me like a princess. I want to make the world a happy place for you. Accept my heartfelt wishes on this day!
  9. Dear mom and dad, you are special. You have raised me like a princess and never let me feel the pain and patience you had to suffer in the process. Happy parents day!
  10. It’s your compromises that made me strong, gave me a childhood full of happiness and eyes full of dreams. Thank you for everything! Happy parents day!