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  1. Lucky are those who have found a soulmate in their friend. you are much more than a friend to me. You mean a lot. Happy friendship day!
  2. No one needs to count material wealth when they have a friend like you. You are the most wonderful friend I could ever wish for. I wish you a very happy friendship day.
  3. Happy Friendship Day, my friend! Let’s be together for a long time!
  4. Its hard to find someone who will stay with you in your hard times, someone who will help you rise up again after you fall. Fortunately for me, that person is you! You are a rare gem, my friend!
  5. There are just so many people around me but only one person that allows me to be myself is you. This special day is entirely for the person I call my best friend.
  6. Every day is special if spent with you. You make me forget what boredom is. I never thought anyone could ever touch my life in so many ways. Happy friendship day!
  7. Dear friend, thank you for always appreciating me. Happy Friendship Day!
  8. On this very special day, I want to let you know that you are my most favorite person in this world. I enjoy your company more than I enjoy myself. Happy friendship day to you!
  9. Real friendship, like real poetry, is extremely rare – and precious as a pearl. – Tahar Ben Jelloun
  10. A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. – Shania Twain