- Happy Passover to the love of my life. The test of Seder meal doubled up by your touch. Thanks to your cooking skill.
- Wishing you and your family a safe and prosperous celebration of a blessed Passover 2024! Gut Yontiff, buddy!
- Kosher and joyous Passover, friend! Thinking of our friendship with a warm heart during this special celebration of yours! Happy holidays!
- May happiness be your eternal companion! Happy Passover to you and your community!
- Chag Sameach to you and your beloved family! My gratitude and well wishes go to you on this blessed festival!
- Chag Pesach kasher vesame’ach. Wishing this holiday season to be truly prosperous for you and your family! Happy Passover 2024!
- Happy Passover everyone. Kosher and joyous Passover to you! May Pesach fills your heart with peace and kindness!
- On Passover and always, I wish for you to stay under the blessings of God! Chag Sameach!
- Gut Yontiff! Shalom to you and your loved ones on this blessed and joyful Passover 2024!