- You Alone We Worship and You Alone We Ask For Help, For Each And Everything. May Your Faith In Him Always Bring You Peace And Prosperity, Have A Blessed Muharram!
- May All The Praises And Thanks Be To Allah. To Whom Belongs All That Is In Heavens & In The Earth. Have A Blessed Muharram!
- I cried an ocean of tears, but nobody cared. I cried in sujood and Allah gave me saber. Happy Muharram.
- I Know U Always With Me, I Know U Always Helped Me, I Know U Always Protect Me, I Know U Always Protect Me, Thanks For All All U Are Doing For Me.
- Muharram Mubarak to all my friends! Wish that this New Year brings on an abundance of happiness, health, and prosperity in your life.
- Muharram is the celebration of peace, Sending warm greetings on Muharram to you and your loved ones.
- On the occasion of Muharram, I am sending my warm wishes for you and your family to have a day to remember and mourn what happened on this day.
- Muharram is the festival that reminds us all to always embrace peace and happiness and spread the message of brotherhood and togetherness.
- Muharram to everyone and May this festive occasion brings along happiness and harmony in your life.