May God Bless you with Peace and Good Luck and Success this Gudi Padwa and all through the year…
- This New Year Bring Home a Good And Sweet Year Happy Gudi Padwa..
- On this auspicious occasions of Gudi Padwa may you be endowed with Happiness, Health & Wealth. Happy Gudi Padwa!..
- Celebrate the auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa Admidst Fanfare & Religious fervour. May the day bestow on you & your family members… Good Luck – Health – Happy Times! Wishing You A Prosperous Gudi Padwa..!..
- Good luck, good fortune, wealth and prosperity… May you be blessed with all these and more on Gudi Padwa!
- May This Gudi Padwa be as bright as ever.
- One more year of success and a smile
New experiences and dreams every mile
May you find new paths to tread
Have a wonderful year ahead.
Happy Gudi Padwa! - May this Gudi Padwa bring joy, health and wealth to you.
- May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear ones lives.
- May this Gudi Padwa bring in u the most brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever Wished for.
- Wishing you joyous festivities and a bounty of good luck and prosperity. Happy Gudi Padwa!