Egypt Revolution Day 2024. Let’s send our condolences to the freedom fighter’s family share our pride with them.
- We do not live on the terms set b y anyone else. Thanks to those souls who made this line possible with their lives for freedom fight.
- The cost of freedom all over the world is truly a million of lives who have done no wrong but only for their cause. Happy Egypt National Day 2024!
- Happiness is a state of mind that is better felt when you are in a state of freedom.
- On this Egypt Revolution Day, let us take an oath to showcase the power of unity and also the responsibility we can show in handling our own freedom.
- Each of us represent a flower and we can bloom in the best manner when showered with freedom. Happy Egypt National Day 2024!
- With freedom, our chains are cast of. However, the true sense of freedom remains in the way we help others to enjoy their freedom
- It is our duty to make sure that the commitment towards freedom is forever and we make sure that it is never misused. Happy Egypt Revolution Day
- The most satisfying thing on earth that cannot be touched but can be felt is “freedom”. Happy Egypt National Day 2024!
- Life is a lot easy when we have the best of the practices, such as freedom, as a part of it. Live freedom, love freedom
- Egypt Revolution Day is here to commemorate the loss of lives of those soldiers who fought for their nation and its people.