- Let us celebrate this Independence Day to all the Armeniai leaders to gave their lives to make our country independent.
- Sending oceans of good wishes to all my Armeniai friends on Happy Armenia Independence Day.
- Let all of us be united and raise the flag of Armenia high to celebrate our Independence Day.
- This is the day to make our country Armenia special all over the world as this is our Independence Day.
- May the almighty shower all the blessing upon Armenia on the Independence Day.
- Let all of us Armenian take an oath on this Independence Day to make our country the best one in the future world.
- Let this Independence Day be the most special one to all Armenian and let us all make an effort to do so.
- Let’s Celebrate Freedom by Promoting human rights in which Respect, dignity, and equality turn into code for a living. This will be our role to Live up to the fantasies.
- The vision behind Armenia’s Independence ended up being “Freedom for many.” We ought to understand that freedom is a battle and duty to make sure that we maintain that eyesight. Wish Happy Armenia Independence Day
- If only you all an extremely Independence that is a happy time. May our country progress every-where and in everything and so the worldwide world is proud of us Armenia Zindabad! wishing you a Happy Armenia Independence Day