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  1. Sending roses for the most handsome husband in the world. Happy rose day, dear husband.
  2. With this rose, I am sending all my love to you along with my soul; keep it safe. Happy Rose Day.
  3. Happy Rose Day to the love of my life, my prince charming and the hero of my life-movie.
  4. It is hard to describe my love for you in words, so I am sending this rose to symbolize my feelings to you. Happy rose day.
  5. To me, your love is the sweet fragrance of a rose that reminds me always of you. Happy Rose Day.
  6. To the person I admire most, Happy Rose Day. May you bloom like a beautiful rose and spread your fragrance in the entire world.
  7. As you have come into my life, it is now as beautiful as roses. Happy Rose Day.
  8. This rose is for you to say thank you for being there always with a heart full of love for me.
  9. On this special day I want you to know you are the only person to whom I want to wish with a rose. Happy rose day sweetheart.
  10. You are like the roses. You come in various colors of mood but never failed to charm my life. Happy Rose Day!