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  1. On this day I wish you enjoy your life to the fullest because you are a free man living in a free country. Happy Day of Unity German! God bless you!
  2. Without freedom, life is worthless. Today, take a minute to thank our forefathers because they bought this freedom for us with their blood. Happy Day of Unity German!
  3. I wish you and your family an amazing Independence day. Let’s work together to keep moving forward.
  4. Our brave freedom fighters did their job and passed it on to us. Are you doing yours as a citizen? Happy German Unity Day!
  5. We are the freedom fighters of today. We should fight for those who aren’t free in this country. Happy German Unity Day.
  6. As we move forward with freedom, we should keep in mind freedom is harder to protect than to earn.
  7. Let’s honor the valiant heroes who made us the proudest of all humans and the mightiest of all nations. May the glory of this day be your inspiration for tomorrow!
  8. We need more people like you who are loyal and honest to this country. Happy German Unity Day to the most inspiring person I’ve ever met!
  9. We may never know how it feels like to live in a free country if it was not for the bravery of our fathers. Today they deserve a big salute from us. Happy German Unity Day!
  10. Independence does not come free; it demands a great cost. Today, let us honor all the great souls who had to pay for it. Happy Day of Unity German!