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  1. No matter what it is 1st March or 1st April. A fool is always a fool. You know what I mean. 😉
  2. I am feeling so excited to let you know that I’m getting married on the 32nd of March this year. I’ll be so happy if you attend the ceremony.
  3. Do you hear that Aliens have contacted the Earth? Just google it to know more. Surely, it will be on trending today. Don’t end up as a fool.
  4. We live during the end of time when babies are born with no teeth, and people read messages with no brain. Such a difficult time to live!
  5. Do you know that the first day of the 4th month of this year is going to be the longest day on earth? Check out the official page of NASA for more details!
  6. The month of March has been extended by 24 hours this year to avoid April 1. So, don’t be worried. No one is going to make a fool out of you this year.
  7. I have fallen in love with someone else, and I am thinking of finally telling you everything about it on April 1st. So that you don’t take this matter seriously!
  8. Your presence in my life is just as much important as the 32nd day of March. I really love you so much.
  9. I have so many things to say to you. But I want you to prepare yourself first to hear what I have to say. Ok, now go in front of a mirror. What do you see? The first person to become an April fool by me!
  10. I have thought about it again and again. I think now is the right time to tell you about it. I’m pregnant. Now tell me, how’d you like to become a father on April 1st?