45+ Childrens Day Wishes Images, Messages, Greetings, Status & Quotes

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  1. Children’s are the world’s most valuable resources. They are great imitators so give them great things to imitate! Children need models rather than critics. Happy Childrens Day.
  2. Even though we may be your teachers, we have lots of things to learn from you. Thank you for teaching us daily how to live life at its true meaning. Happy Children’s day, kids.
  3. We maybe your teachers but we also have a lot more things to learn from you, especially how to laugh with all your hearts. Happy childrens day!
  4. On this very special day, let us all celebrate the innocence and purity of our kids. Let them feel precious in every way that we can. Because they are our future!
  5. If we want to see our future filled with happiness and harmony, we must teach our kids to be good human being more than anything else. Happy childrens day!
  6. Simply having a look at you fills our hearts with boundless joy and make us feel relieved from all the anxieties of this world. Wishing you a happy children’s day!
  7. On this very special day, we look forward to spending some really mesmerizing moments with you because you’re so special to us. Happy children’s day!
  8. As a parent, we promise to make this world a beautiful place for you. Happy Children’s Day, my child!
  9. You’re a blessing from God who can make all our pains go away with a little smile. Happy Childrens Day!
  10. You are the greatest treasure of my life. Without you, my world would be devoid of sunshine, laughter, and love. Hope you have a truly magical and joyous children’s day! Love you so much.
  11. On this Children’s Day and all year-round, I wish you nothing but great happiness. May you have a bright future with every ounce of happiness in the world. Enjoy your special day, my baby!
  12. The earth reveals its innocence through the smiles of children. A very warm wish for all the children on this special day. Happy children’s day!
  13. There are warmth and innocence in children’s smiles whenever they smile. Happy Children’s Day .
  14. Every child is a different kind of flower, and they are beautiful in their way. Happy Childrens Day!
  15. On this Children’s Day, promise that you would guide your children towards becoming better humans. Happy Children’s Day!
  16. “Always smile back at little children. To ignore them is to destroy their belief that the world is good.” – Pam Brown
  17. “While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.” – Angela Schwindt
  18. “Teach your children they’re unique. That way, they won’t feel pressured to be like everybody else.” – Cindy Cashman
  19. “To every child – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy.” – Malala Yousafzai
  20. “Children are like wet cement whatever falls on them makes an impression.” – Haim Ginott
  21. “The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.” – Billy Graham
  22. “History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.” – Nelson Mandela
  23. “The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” – Denis Waitley
  24. “Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.” – Henry Ward Beecher
  25. “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein