- Almost all men can stand adversity, however on the off chance that you need to test a man’s character, give him control. He proved his worth by having the control and still working for his people. Happy President’s Day
- America will never be destroyed from the outside. On the off chance that we flounder and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Happy President’s Day
- Just our individual confidence in opportunity can keep us free. Happy President’s Day of America
- There is nothing amiss with America that can’t be restored by what is directly with America. Happy President’s Day
- The main thing we need to dread is dread itself. Happy President’s Day of United States of America
- In the event that your actions inspire others to dream more, find out additional, accomplish more and become more, you are a pioneer. Happy President’s Day
- Develop harmony and congruity with all. Keep the principles of George washington in your mind and take the nation to the summit of prosperity. Happy President’s Day
- Freedom without learning is always in risk, and learning without freedom is always futile. Happy President’s Day
- I feel sorry for the man who wants a coat so shabby that the man or lady who produces the fabric or shapes it into an article of clothing will starve in the process. Happy President’s Day
- We the general population instruct the administration, it doesn’t let us know. – Ronald Reagan