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  1. 龙年吉祥,祝你新的一年,事业腾飞,好运如龙,幸福绵长。新年快乐 2024! (Lóng nián jíxiáng, zhù nǐ xīn de yī nián, shìyè téngfēi, hǎoyùn rú lóng, xìngfú miáncháng. Xīnnián kuàilè! 2024)

    Translation: May the Year of the Dragon bring you good luck and prosperity, with your career soaring high and happiness lasting long. Happy New Year 2024!

  2. 祝福龙年降临,好运滚滚而来;事业腾飞,家庭幸福,龙年如意! (Zhùfú lóng nián jiànglín, hǎoyùn gǔngǔn ér lái; shìyè téngfēi, jiātíng xìngfú, lóng nián rúyì!)

    Translation: Wishing you abundant luck as the Year of the Dragon arrives, with success in your career, happiness in your family, and everything going as you wish!

  3. 龙飞凤舞贺新春,事业蒸蒸日上如东风。愿你新的一年,好运伴随,幸福满满。龙年大吉! (Lóng fēi fèng wǔ hè xīnchūn, shìyè zhēngzhēng rìshàng rú dōngfēng. Yuàn nǐ xīn de yī nián, hǎoyùn bànsuí, xìngfú mǎnmǎn. Lóng nián dàjí!)

    Translation: May the dragon soar and the phoenix dance in celebration of the New Year, bringing success to your endeavors like the East Wind. Wishing you abundant luck and overflowing happiness in the Year of the Dragon!

  4. 龙年到,好运早;事业飞,幸福跑。祝你在新的一年,步步高升,龙年吉祥! (Lóng nián dào, hǎoyùn zǎo; shìyè fēi, xìngfú pǎo. Zhù nǐ zài xīn de yī nián, bùbù gāoshēng, lóng nián jíxiáng!)

    Translation: With the arrival of the Year of the Dragon, may luck come early, success take flight, and happiness run alongside you. Wishing you continuous advancement and auspiciousness in the New Year!

  5. 龙腾虎跃新春至,事业腾飞幸福起。愿你在龙年,财运亨通,健康安康。新年快乐 2024! (Lóng téng hǔ yuè xīnchūn zhì, shìyè téngfēi xìngfú qǐ. Yuàn nǐ zài lóng nián, cáiyùn hēngtōng, jiànkāng ānkāng. Xīnnián kuàilè 2024!)

    Translation: As the dragon soars and the tiger leaps, may your career ascend and happiness abound in the Spring. Wishing you financial prosperity, good health, and a joyful New Year 2024!