Ambedkar Jayanti

Happy Ambedkar Jayanti – We are providing you to create online custom Happy Ambedkar Jayanti wishes images, photo frames and greeting card Free for you. you can add / edit / write your name, text messages, quotes, company logo, your personal images and whatever you want to make most attractive, cool and pretty Happy Ambedkar Jayanti greetings and wishes image.

Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti is an annual festival observed on 14 April to commemorate the memory of B. R. Ambedkar, Indian polymath and civil rights activist. It marks Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s birthday who was born on 14 April 1891. Since 2015 it has been observed as an official public holiday throughout India.

Now, you can easily create your own Happy Ambedkar Jayanti card with your company or brand logo with address.

You can choose any below template to customize. once it done you can download or directly share on social media site and apps like Facebook, Whatsapp Status, Instagram Post & Stories, Pinterest and Twitter..etc.